Logistics Technology Trends in 2021

Artificial and Augmented Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is of great importance for the logistics industry. The trend of this technology development will continue in the coming years. These are just a few AI-based solutions that are actively used by modern logistics:

  • smart route planning;
  • robots for the "last mile" deliveries;
  • automatic cargo consolidation systems;
  • customer demand forecasts. 

Along with the development of AI, there is a growing interest in augmented intelligence — combining human intelligence with automation using neural networks. This is how experts serve customers and provide businesses with responsibility, flexibility, and common sense, while AI takes on repetitive, tedious work. 

According to Gartner, augmented intelligence will generate a profit of $2.9 trillion by the beginning of 2021. Logistics companies will continue to implement solutions based on augmented intelligence, as this will allow experts to perform their work faster and better.