Corporate Portal for an Energy Provider

  1. Challenge

    The electricity company has hundreds of thousands of employees which had no single platform for information exchange and collaboration. Each unit of the company developed its own ways to arrange communication with and among the employees. There was no common storage for corporate data where it would be available for every employee. This fragmentation hindered collaboration, put obstacles in the way of company growth and slowed down work on important corporate projects. Ineffective information flows made power grid operator lose time and money. Our experts suggested to company management that a corporate portal should be created on the Microsoft SharePoint platform that would bring people together and could be used for information sharing, common access to documents and performing important tasks.
  2. Approach

    The project was implemented on a full development cycle from initial concept to portal deployment on the customer's servers. We prepared detailed technical documentation which took into account many aspects of the business. One of the requirements set by the customer was integration of the new portal into the company's existing internal systems. As the company was large and its employees required time to get used to the new corporate portal, it was deployed on a phased basis. An important part of the task was to develop a tool for writing regulatory legal acts. This was the first time our company was working with the authorities. The project took about a year to implement, with 7 people working at it.
  3. Result

    The first production version of the corporate portal with basic features was implemented in as little as three months after the start of the work. Thus, the customer had a chance to start using its key features almost at once. The company’s units from various cities and towns got a handy set of tools which could be used to significantly accelerate data flows, upload files to a central storage and collaborate on corporate projects. The final version of the portal could also be used to plan vacation schedules, book meeting rooms, submit tickets to IT support and automate the issue of duty passes and certificates. All this made company employees more informed, improved their engagement and thus reduced costs for the customer.
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Energy industry


1 year


  • 1 - Analyst
  • 1 - QA Engineer
  • 1 - Project manager
  • 1 - UI/UX designer
  • 1 - Front-end developer
  • 2 - Back-end developers


Detail project
1 year
  • 1 - Analyst
  • 1 - QA Engineer
  • 1 - Project manager
  • 1 - UI/UX designer
  • 1 - Front-end developer
  • 2 - Back-end developers