Platform for Medical Diagnostics

  1. Challenge

    An American company has been implementing a digital transformation in the healthcare sector for several years. The platform it created combines patient databases and digital microscopes installed in American hospitals into a single network. With its help, oncologists can study color images of histological tissue samples in high resolution and directly on monitor screens. If the hospital does not have an experienced diagnostician, an expert from another medical institution (or even from another country) gets access to the image in a matter of minutes. The client set out to rewrite the software code of their platform to make it more efficient, as well as move the system to the cloud. The client asked us to solve this problem.
  2. Solution

    Sibedge experts not only completely rewrote the code of the original software platform, but also added several new useful features to the system. Among other things, a library was developed for capturing images from various models of digital medical microscopes, as well as a system for identifying material samples using automatic printing of labels with barcodes. This should simplify the integration of the system in even more American hospitals and make the lives of medical staff much easier. The platform was carefully moved to the cloud without loss of functionality and provided with a convenient web interface. Technologies such as React, TypeScript, Material-UI, TSLint, and MobX were used in the project.
  3. Result

    By moving the system to the cloud, one no longer needs to download, install, or configure complex software. Experts can instantly get access to the platform from any device that is connected to the internet. All they need to do is log in, register the patient and get a digital image of a tissue or blood sample from the selected digital microscope at one click. This image will be automatically linked to the patient's virtual medical record, and even remote experts will be able to view it. The updated platform makes timely cancer diagnostics available even in remote regions and small clinics where there are no experienced diagnosticians. All this will save thousands of lives.
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March 2019 - ongoing


  • 1 - Project Manager
  • 3 - Software Developers
  • 1 - DevOps


Detail project
March 2019 - ongoing
  • 1 - Project Manager
  • 3 - Software Developers
  • 1 - DevOps