Service for Estate Agent Work Optimisation

Country: United States
A U.S. company specialising in real estate. A major part of customer interactions is automated with a set of easy-to-use web tools, while personal communications with estate agents happens in the final stages of the transaction. This sets the company apart from competitors and attracts new buyers.
  1. Challenge

    Classic methods of extending the customer base are not as effective on today's real estate market. Each customer must be constantly kept in touch with, and the fact that the customers may be in the hundreds and thousands made this challenge virtually impossible for estate agents. Their performance declined constantly, which negatively affected the company's financial results. The customer required a tool to find new customers and interact with them on social networks which would be capable of automatically performing a number of routine tasks: add people to the friend list, congratulate them on their birthday, sent personal messages, etc. A number of requirements were set for the product:

    • It had to be easy to install, use and configure.
    • It had to support popular browsers and operating systems.
    • It had to be based on user accounts.
    • Tasks had to be performed concurrently and in an unattended mode.
  2. Approach

    Our specialists designed and started implementing a web browser plug-in with the functionality required by the customer. It was crucial to make the plug-in operation process as easy and clear as possible. We made it installable onto workstations together with the browser, removed the need for any external equipment, and implemented a quick start feature with one button. The plug-in performs a range of tasks loaded from the server. For example, when launched on an open Facebook page, it automatically adds the recommended users into the estate agent's friend list, thus extending the customer base. However, only those people will be added who meet the requirements to potential customers: age, location, marital status, social status, etc. The server side of the system from which tasks are loaded was written in Java, the plug-in itself was in TypeScript, and the executable task code was in JavaScript. A team of 6 had been working at the project for 3 months.
  3. Result

    The result of our work was an easy-to-use tool which automated routine tasks of estate agents at sites and on social networks. Task scenarios are created by the customer on the server side, and estate agents load and use them to complete their tasks. The plug-in is distributed under a paid subscription and is account-based which creates considerable product monetisation potential for the customer. This software solution can automatically congratulate friends on social networks on different occasions, send messages to them and make scheduled posts on their walls. These are only a few features of the plug-in. Its undeniable benefits are:

    • Ease of use and the intuitive interface.
    • No need for constant updates.
    • Reduced time and effort required to perform tasks.
    • Support for various operating systems and browsers.
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3 months


  • 1 - Project manager
  • 1 - Analyst
  • 1 - QA Engineer
  • 1 - Front-end developer
  • 1 - Back-end developer
  • 1 - DevOps


Detail project
A U.S. company specialising in real estate. A major part of customer interactions is automated with a set of easy-to-use web tools, while personal communications with estate agents happens in the final stages of the transaction. This sets the company apart from competitors and attracts new buyers.
3 months
  • 1 - Project manager
  • 1 - Analyst
  • 1 - QA Engineer
  • 1 - Front-end developer
  • 1 - Back-end developer
  • 1 - DevOps