Smart Meeting Rooms for Banks

  1. Challenge

    The bank owns 26 large branches and 594 offices in Eastern Europe. The fact that the bank’s personnel consists of 80,000 people actualized the burning issue of the meeting rooms’ effective usage. The current system of rooms’ reservation was not free from various errors and scheduling conflicts, which, in their turn, led to conflicts between the staff members. Quite often, important negotiations were interrupted by the bank employees who used to half-open the door of the meeting room to know whether the room was occupied. There was a need for a simple but effective system that would allow defining the actual availability of conference rooms. Sibedge was selected to be an executive agency, considering its solid experience in implementing hardware, IoT, and designing smart offices.
  2. Approach

    Sibedge experts suggested developing a solution that would be based on Grid-EYE heat vision sensors. These sensors have an infrared matrix consisting of 8X8 cells and allow to accurately determine the presence of people in a room of up to 25 square meters. Sibedge engineers developed a software solution that processes sensor signals and transfers the information to the corporate system of meeting rooms’ reservation. The availability status of a room is also displayed on the external monitors by the front door. Another innovation was the ability to turn on and off the lighting and air conditioners on the premises that are not currently used. The team of five people was working on the project for 3 months.
  3. Result

    Pilot implementation of the heat vision sensors system was successfully performed in eighteen conference rooms at one of the bank’s branches. Following the results of the implementation, the following points should be noted:

    • The number of conflicts associated with reservation of meeting rooms reduced.
    • The efficiency of the bank’s internal business processes increased.
    • The cases of sudden interruptions of important meetings stopped to occur.
    • The system allowed to substantially save electricity.

    Among other things, the instances of dragging on the meetings became rarer, since the renewed system automatically warns the participants of the meeting about the expiration of reservation time. The client was very pleased with the results of the work done, which is why the system implementation continued at other branches and offices of the bank.
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3 months


  • 1 - Project Manager
  • 1 - Hardware Engineer
  • 1 - Embedded Engineer
  • 1 - QA Engineer
  • 1 - Python Developer


Detail project
3 months
  • 1 - Project Manager
  • 1 - Hardware Engineer
  • 1 - Embedded Engineer
  • 1 - QA Engineer
  • 1 - Python Developer