Social Network for Traders

Country: United States
A U.S. company founded in 2010 and providing clients with brokerage services of highest quality. With their financial tools users can buy and sell shares, options, wares, stock indices and currencies. Social network for traders WhoTrades presents clients with opportunity of financial analyses and informs them about last news about markets and securities.
  1. Challenge

    WhoTrades is a social network for traders which includes numerous tools to simplify trader operations and collaboration. A social network must evolve continuously in order to retain existing and attract new users. The customer has an in-house development team, but they constantly lacked the qualified professionals required to implement many of the new features of the platform. Besides, a part of the old code had to be rewritten and optimised, which required additional manpower. The project's complexity made it’s difficult to find engineers with the required qualifications. The customer came to us with the problem.
  2. Solution

    The project has a complex architecture and a high entry barrier, thus requiring competent professionals capable of effectively developing and maintaining the system. Each engineer was thoroughly screened with the direct involvement of the customer before getting to work. Our collaboration at the social network extended over a year and a half. We managed to improve the code and the technical solutions thanks to an exchange of experiences between the experts of the two companies and proper cross-validation. The PHP programming language is the core technology of the project.
  3. Result

    While we took over active development of the network, the customer's team could focus on comprehensive technical support of the platform. We helped to implement new features in the project and optimise existing ones:

    • The search system of the social network was completely redesigned.
    • The bot which broadcasts the news to the Telegram and the Facebook Messenger was improved.
    • User survey systems were created in order to analyse user needs.
    • WhoTrades can be used to build forecasts and take polls.

    The improved social network not only raised the loyalty of existing users but also attracted many new traders. They communicate, trade, share their experience and get the latest news from the world of finance. Our successful implementation of the project created a solid foundation for long-term mutually beneficial relationships with the customer.
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6 months


  • 1 - Project manager
  • 1 - UI/UX designer
  • 3 - Back-end developers


Detail project
A U.S. company founded in 2010 and providing clients with brokerage services of highest quality. With their financial tools users can buy and sell shares, options, wares, stock indices and currencies. Social network for traders WhoTrades presents clients with opportunity of financial analyses and informs them about last news about markets and securities.
6 months
  • 1 - Project manager
  • 1 - UI/UX designer
  • 3 - Back-end developers