Virtual office for remote employees

  1. Challenge

    In 2016, a unique project was launched, thanks to which any citizen over the age of 18 could become part of the bank's team and work remotely. This initiative would make it possible to expand the geography of hiring valuable personnel, solve the issue of employment of people with disabilities, and significantly reduce the bank's costs for rent and office space maintaining thanks to home office.

    To implement the idea, it was necessary to design and develop a flexible software platform. Given the large number of current IT projects, the bank did not have enough in-house developers. It was decided to expand the team hiring Sibedge experts. They played a key role in developing the front-end component of the future virtual office.
  2. Approach

    It was decided to develop the system based on a microservice architecture with a web interface. Its individual services could work in conjunction within a composite workspace, or independently of each other. The most interesting services include the following:

    • Mentoring system. Allows creating training groups from applicants and assign mentors to them. They assess the abilities of interns, their academic performance and make the final decision about hiring.
    • Dialogue script. Allows conducting dialogues with the client according to a certain script and offer them suitable banking products. In the process of communication, the operator sees client’s full name, financial history, and other information.
    • Smart assistant. This service provides the employee with the responses for the most frequently asked questions in real time.
    • Questionnaire. If the employee decides to quit, the system offers him/her to take a survey and leave a review revealing what he/she was not satisfied with during the time of employment.

    An admin panel, a payroll system, and an API for the Internet telephony were also developed for the platform. The system has been developed for 14 months by a team of 5 experts. Core technologies: Angular 5+, Angular 7, LESS, Karma, Jasmine, Protractor, Jenkins, and NgRx.
  3. Result

    As a result, the bank received a full-fledged virtual office, which made it possible to work remotely for the following employees:

    • call center operator;
    • loan manager;
    • insurance expert;
    • debt collector.

    Only a computer, a headset with a microphone, Internet access, and communication skills are required when applying for such a job. Every remote employee gets access to a personal account with a certain set of services, which depends on their position.

    Platform development has significantly reduced the rental cost, as well as infrastructure maintaining expenses. And the innovative approach to remote employment only secured the client's status as the technology leader in the banking industry.
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14 months


  • 1 - Project Manager
  • 2 - Front-end developer
  • 1 - QA engineer
  • 1 - Analytic


Detail project
14 months
  • 1 - Project Manager
  • 2 - Front-end developer
  • 1 - QA engineer
  • 1 - Analytic